Jakarta Governor Election

Only a few months away, 15 February 2017, Jakarta Governor Election will be held. The more crowded with the bustle of the candidates and supporters decorate news in online media, newspapers, and television.

Democratic party for the election of Governor of Jakarta could shut news election of governors in other provinces, because of Jakarta as the center of government has become a barometer of success for a political party to win in the election of governor elsewhere.

The governor will be the policy makers who influence the investment climate in terms of comfort and security, has also become attractive for investors to invest in Indonesia.

Whereas, there is still a lot of homework to be completed by the governor has been elected, as the problem of traffic congestion, public transport, flooding could have an impact on the convenience of investors and the capital's residents.

Not to mention the newcomers who do not have skills, they enliven the competition in seeking sustenance in the capital.

So, the candidates should be ready with the problems of the capital and not only seek to plant a flag party without useful for Indonesia and Jakarta citizens in particular.

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