Sinker Hole

Where is the 'Sinker Hole "?

A large swath in the Bering Sea is located in the border areas between the United States and Russia. A small portion of the sea outside the boundaries both in the State. "Hole" that forms is not uniform are called pit sinker.

Hole in the sinker is the area that is one of the regions in the world's most rich fish, especially Alaska fish Pollock. Value of the fishing industry in the Bering Sea Pollock each year worth 1 billion U.S. dollars. Pollock fish meat is used for bread layer, steak frozen fish, imitation crab meat, and snack fish and potatoes.

In the year 1984, commercial trawl tiger from six countries taking 1.45 million metric tons of Pollock hole sinker. During the next decades the fishing industry Pollock to take the fish over the limit and back-up band is nearly at sea can not be restored again in 1994.

Situation that encourages the birth of the Convention on Conservation and Management of Pollock Resources. Representatives from China, Japan, Poland, Russia, South Korea, the U.S. and meet every year to set the size of the harvest Pollock at sinker hole and manage backup Pollock fish in there.

Their efforts to start bringing results. 2008 catch limit of 800,000 metric tons, lower than the commercial catch and the desired state convention participants. But they can catch the number of projects increased to 1.2 million metric tons in 2010. (source : kompas)

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